“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Matthew 7:15
What is an Emotional Predator? It’s a person who exploits other people by manipulating them and preying on their emotions, and does this without restraint from conscience or the negative impact on others of their own toxic behaviors. They come in all shapes, sizes, genders, races, religions, and nationalities. And they are hidden among us.
We live in a time of subtle danger. Selfishness and manipulation seem to be on the rise, while empathy seems to be disappearing. It’s more important than ever for people of good heart and intention to learn to protect ourselves. To protect ourselves, we first have to recognize the problem, even if that means looking at some dark things. In my experience, it’s more dangerous to ignore harsh realities than to face them. Danger presents opportunity.
If you’ve been confounded by a difficult person and the professional help you’ve sought – perhaps from highly regarded and expensive experts – hasn’t really changed much or anything at all, if the same pain in the butt person is inflicting the same pain in your butt perhaps for years now, and no advice or interventions have yielded more than temporary relief followed by a resumption of the same terrorizing behaviors, it may be because our culture and many of the experts who are embedded within it don’t understand the true nature of the most damaging hidden social problem we face today. Protecting Yourself from Emotional Predators: Neutralize the Users, Abusers and Manipulators Hidden Among Us offers a radically different view of the problem people in your life and of human nature, and provides practical effective solutions.
There are predators hidden among us. They prey on us. They exploit us. These predators target unsuspecting decent people, wreaking havoc with nearly every aspect of their lives. These predators feed on the emotions of others, consuming their time, energy, money and well-being in the process. That’s why I call them Emotional Predators.